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What is bioethanol and what are the main advantages

14 articles
Is e-NRG bioethanol the same as gel fuel?e-NRG is liquid fuel, unlike gel fuels which reduce heat, efficiency, and can leave residue affecting burner safety.
What is e-NRG Bioethanol?e-NRG bioethanol: quality, clean-burning fuel for ventless fireplaces, derived from fermented plant sugars
How can I reduce my carbon footprint?Bioethanol fires use renewable biofuel, minimising by-products and greenhouse emissions.
Is e-NRG bioethanol environmentally friendly?e-NRG is a clean, renewable fuel derived from plant sugars.
What are the emissions when burning bioethanol?Burning bioethanol creates heat, steam, and carbon dioxide.
How much does bioethanol cost?The average cost of 1-litre bioethanol is around AU$5.50
How do you store bioethanol? Is it safe to store in my home or workspace?Bioethanol (Flammable Liquid Class 3, PG II) must be handled per regulations; e-NRG is safe when stored away from open flames.
Does e-NRG bio ethanol burn yellow or blue?e-NRG Bioethanol is formulated to consistently burn its signature bright orange colour.
Is e-NRG safe to be stored inside?Ethanol is safe for indoor storage away from flames.
Is this the same ethanol I can buy at gas stations?No. The ethanol sold at gas stations is in no way similar to e-NRG.
What is the shelf life of e-NRG Fuel?The shelf life is 3 years if kept in a tightly sealed container and in a cool, dry area (approx 20°C).
What are the ingredients of e-NRG?We use an F4 solution for our e-NRG ethanol.
Is there an e-NRG retailer near me?Find out if there is an e-NRG retailer close to you.
How long will bioethanol burn for?The consumption rate of e-NRG ethanol burner fuel is about 1 quart (1L) per 1-2 hours, but actual usage depends on the burner.